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Since 2004 Acorn Health & Safety has been running a free, two-hour, infant and child resuscitation training session, held on a number of evenings throughout the year.

These sessions are a way for us to give something back to the community whilst equipping those who have young children with some valuable and potentially lifesaving skills in how to react to an infant or child who is;

  • Unconscious
  • In respiratory or cardiac arrest
  • Choking

Our last course was attended by a number of new parents, for some this was the first time they had left their baby at home with someone else babysitting, the first big step that any parent will remember.

One new Mum even brought her Mum along on the basis Granny would be looked to for babysitting duties and should also learn these techniques.

However having spoken to their Health Visitors they also realised how important learning some basic first aid techniques could help save their child’s life in the event of an emergency.

As with all new parents, especially as their child gets to the weaning stage, their real concern was what to do if their child choked.

During the session I, as a dad three children, was able to explain the difference between the child ‘gagging’ on food, which is a normal response when a child begins to eat solid food as they move it around in their mouth and will be making noises choking, which is when the airway becomes obstructed and unable to make a sound.

After the group discussion, each of the participants were able to practice both back blows and chest thrusts on the baby manikins, all successfully being able to eject the foam plug used to represent a foreign-body obstruction.