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Free Paediatric First Aid 11th July 2017

Since 2004 Acorn Health & Safety has been running a free, two-hour, infant and child resuscitation training session, held on a number of evenings throughout the year. These sessions are a way for us to give something back to the community whilst equipping those...

Fire Safety

Fire Safety A responsible person for a premises in respect of fire safety should ensure that suitable fire precautions are in place to ensure the safety of employees and others and that the premises are safe from fire and its’ effects. “Excellent course with...

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Our team of health and safety advisors and registered nurses are specialists within their fields and undertake assessments to keep business and their staff team safe and others safe. Train the Trainer annual update course: “It was amazing!!! The...


Audits Our practical, knowledgeable and understanding approach supports businesses review and further develop practices rather than simply pointing out what’s wrong. “I just wanted to ensure we sent a thank you to Matthew who did our first aid course. We were...

H&S Management Systems

Health & Safety Management Systems Taking on a Plan, Do Check, Act approach, Acorn Health & Safety support business develop effective health and safety management systems. “The trainer kept my interest all day. I learnt so much more because it was...