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Acorn Health and Safety First Aid at Work Training and Consultancy

On 21st May 2020, the First Aid Awarding Organisation Forum (FAAOF) recommended that general first aid training should NOT re-commence until after the government has changed the COVID-19 status to Level 3. Where first aid training is deemed ‘essential’ courses must only take place where permissible in accordance with UK Government restrictions and published advice.

On 16th March 2020, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) granted a three-month extension to first aid at work (FAW) and emergency first aid at work (EFAW) courses. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) made the same announcement with regard to paediatric first aid training (PFA). To qualify for this extension, you must be able to demonstrate why you have not been able to re qualify and what steps you have taken to access training, if asked to do so. On 21st May 2020, the HSE updated its earlier statement and agreed the final deadline for requalifying first aid courses qualifying for the above extension is 30th September 2020.

Where annual refresher face to face refresher training cannot take place due to coronavirus, the HSE supports the use of on-line refresher training. The HSE still strongly recommends that the practical elements of the 3 day FAW, 1 day EFAW and 2 day requalification courses are delivered face to face, so that student competency can be assessed.

Please click HERE to see the full guidance