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Danger Asbestos Written on Yellow Tape

Course delegates regularly comment that they did not know the extent to which asbestos has been used, where the material could be found, and in what type of product, and also duty holders did not know of specific duties to be undertaken in respect of managing the material in situ and making visiting contractors aware of asbestos hazards. We regularly hear that delegates found the course interesting, thought provoking, and that awareness had been significantly increased.


Our asbestos awareness training course is aimed at anyone who may unknowingly encounter an asbestos containing product during the course of their work, or who may have a responsibility for managing a building which contains asbestos within the fabric of the premises.

Asbestos has been in use for thousands of years and is more recently known as a construction material. Because of excellent physical properties, low cost and almost unlimited availability asbestos can be found in roofing sheets, pipe and boiler insulation, friction products, plastics, floor tiles, textiles, rainwater systems, boards and many, many other products. We now know that breathing in microscopic asbestos fibres in any quantity can cause serious illnesses, some of which have no known cure.  Asbestos today is known as a significant industrial killer.

The law requires construction based workers (plumbers, electricians, carpenters and other trades) to undertake regular training in asbestos awareness, but other workers are also at risk. Teachers, archaeologists, vehicle mechanics and ships engineers for instance, are also examples of workers who should also be made aware of the dangers of asbestos, and many people from these professions have benefited from our training.

Our course is IATP accredited, (Independent Asbestos Training Providers) which ensures that the course content and delivery meets an exacting and approved standard. Course delegates will learn about the different types of asbestos, the beneficial properties of the material, adverse health effects associated with asbestos dust, where asbestos can commonly be found and what the law has in place both to protect workers and to enable duty holders to comply with legal requirements.