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As we head into the winter and with colder weather approaching now is the time to plan ahead to ensure your business is prepared for the probability of bad weather at some point during the winter.

Most slips, trips and falls occur in wet or contaminated conditions, so needless to say the risk increases significantly at this time of year, especially with all the Autumn leaves lining the pavements.

We recommend you undertake a winter risk assessment to identify hazards that might affect your employees and others. In the event of severe or adverse weather, hazards might include: driving, slips trips and falls, poor lighting, cold and freezing temperatures, lone working, heating appliances and work equipment. It may be appropriate to introduce a ‘Winter Driving Policy’ – thought should be given to those days when travel becomes dangerous for alternative working options i.e. Home working on those days or rescheduling your appointments/meetings to another date.

We have a FREE Winter Safety Checklist (PDF) that you can download from our website which provides you with a brief snapshot of sensible winter practices. Taking a few minutes to review your winter health and safety practices will help identify whether you are doing everything you should be to keep your employees and business/organisation safe and on the right side of the law. Under health and safety legislation, you as an employer have a legal duty to ensure the safety of all the people in your workplace.This proactive approach allows you to consider the measures you currently have in place and whether there is anything else you should be doing in the event of cold or severe weather.

That said, employees should be safe at work, regardless of the weather.  Prevention is crucial to managing workplace winter safety, as is involving your staff in maintaining winter safety and reinforcing everybody’s responsibility for safety.

With proper procedures you can effectively minimise any risks – plus, having the right procedures in place will help you to ensure you can correctly manage any incidents that do happen. Through regular training, a culture of ‘safety first’ can become a natural part of how your business operates.

If you are interested in finding out more about what Acorn Health and Safety can do for your business, give us a call on 0117 958 2070, or you prefer e-mail email us:

Whatever your health and safety needs, give us a call today 0117 958 2070 or e-mail us and make your health and safety, ‘Hassle Free