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Consultancy Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

We may have answered your question(s) already below, alternatively, call our team, we are happy to help 0117 958 2070, or if you prefer to e-mail –

“All of the course was useful (First Aid for Adults & Children). It contained a good mix of listening and practical. I feel more confident with everyday issues such as nosebleeds.”

PB, Elmlea Infants
November 2021
Who is responsible for getting a fire risk assessment?
Typically, the owner, employer or occupier of a premises is responsible for the fire safety. All workplaces, commercial properties and other buildings the public have access to must have a fire safety risk assessment carried out.
How much for a fire risk assessment?
This is dependant of the size of property and if a full Fire Risk assessment if required or just the communal areas. 
How often is a review required for a Fire risk Assessment?
If changes are made to work activity, tenants, work layout, occupancy, nature of the premises use.
Do I need a fire risk assessment?
All commercial premises, including common areas of some residential premises require a fire risk assessment.
What information is required prior to a fire risk assessment?
We have a fire risk assessment declaration we will send you prior to the fire risk assessment which covers information on smoke detectors, the number and locations of fire extinguishers and contact information for your maintenance companies etc.
What is Hassle Free?
Hassle free is our retained consultancy service. ‘Hassle Free’ provides clients with access to competent health and safety advice, a requirement under Regulation 7 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations together with a host of other benefits including discounted training, a comprehensive suite of forms and templates and the creation (or review) of your health and safety policy statement, responsibilities and arrangements.
I have a very specific business requirement, how can you help me structure paperwork?
We have a wide variety of forms from beekeeping to working in sterile hospital conditions, so we will do our best to assist you with your bespoke needs. We will spend time understanding your requirements and work with you to generate paperwork to assist you in your best practice.
How often should I revise my company’s risk assessments?
These should be looked at regularly and altered after any company changes, incidents or accidents. We offer Risk Assessment training to help you keep them valid. 
I have complex Manual Handling needs can you help?
We have registered nurses who are able to assist you with policies and procedures as well as the practicable assistance of complex manual handling needs.
Can you assist with SSIP Schemes?
Yes, we can and full support with one scheme is included within your “Hassle Free” retained consultancy service or alternatively we offer a reduced Hassle Free service for SSIP schemes. We will help you gain and maintain SSIP approval with the likes of CHAS, SMAS, EXOR, Construction Line, FASET, Safe Contractor and Acclaim. We have extensive experience in this area, create all documentation with this in mind and importantly fulfil the role of “competent safety advisors.”
What can you do to help me keep up to date with company control measures?
We have a suite of forms to assist you in your documentation; we can also provide bespoke forms to suite your specific needs to advise you on having a structured health and safety management system.
Does the Health and Safety poster need to be filled in?
No, however it can help provide useful information to your employees such as names of people with health and safety responsibilities. 
Do I have to have portable appliance testing (PAT) every year?
PAT isn’t a legal requirement, but the law does require that all electrical equipment that they provide in their business is safe and properly maintained.
Do I need a written health and safety policy?
If you employ five or more members of staff your health and safety policy should be in writing?
Do I need an accident book?
No, you must keep records in a confidential manner, however this could be electronically, a form or similar depending on the requirements of your business.
Do all accidents need reporting to the Health and Safety Executive?
Not, all accidents need reporting, however some specified injuries, deaths, seven-day injuries and those to members of the public do.
Do I need to provide my own PPE?
It is the responsibility of the employer (or self-employed person) to provide the appropriate PPE required to carry out your job safely.
Do I have to have a fire alarm?
No, but consider size of premises, use of location and nature. 
Does my landlord need to provide a Fire alarm and/or smoke detector?
Yes. A Smoke detector is required on each floor of the property. A Carbon Monoxide detector is also required if solid fuel is being burned. 
Should I stay put in a Fire?
This is based on your own policy, and the arrangements for safety are in place.
When should you fight a fire?
Only if it is safe to do so and you are competent. We offer Fire Awareness with Fire extinguisher training to ensure competence.

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We may have answered it already, see our
Training FAQ’s
Consultancy FAQ’s

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