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Health & Safety Management Systems

Taking on a Plan, Do Check, Act approach, Acorn Health & Safety support business develop effective health and safety management systems.

“I just wanted to email in to say a massive THANK YOU to the trainer who taught me the 16 Hour Outdoor Emergency First Aid Course today. After passing my training today, for the first time, I had a situation where my training was needed and I was at the right place at the right time. I felt so confident and comfortable to handle the situation and help out the person immediately, remaining calm, reassuring them and keeping them safe and warm whilst monitoring them when waiting for the paramedics, and of course remembering all my training from earlier on. Without the trainer,  I would have definitely not have the confidence to handle the situation as calmly and efficiently as I did, this first aid training I feel is so amazing in comparison to all the other first aid training I have had previously. He was the first ever first aid teacher who empowered me, supported me and made me feel comfortable to help out when needed. The whole training was fun and informative, knowledgeable the most i have ever learned in first aid. I felt it was important for me to email in and inform you of this, without them I might not have been so confident in helping out during an emergency and who know’s what might of happened if I didn’t have the confidence as I did after my training. The person is safe and is currently being medically treated by the paramedics and hospital. This situation was so unexpected and in public, and I felt so confident in my knowledge taught to use what I have been taught to help preserve live’s.”

RM, Hillside Day Nursery
April 2024

Why do our customers choose us?

Acorn Health and Safety Consultants DocumentsAcorn Health and Safety has developed effective health and safety management systems for a number of businesses and contributed to the success of several companies ISO Accreditation.

These are formal frameworks that help businesses manage their health and safety and may be used as part of, or in preparation for recognised accreditation's such as BS OHAS 18001:2007 or as part of standalone in-house standards or procedures.

Acorn Health & Safety is a leading provider of health and safety consultancy in the South West.  Our consultants come from a wide variety of professional backgrounds and have considerable, hands on practical experience which is reflected in our grounded, pragmatic approach.

Customers come from an equally diverse range of organisations and businesses but choose Acorn because we’ll keep you on the right side of the law, whilst recognising that health and safety needs to compliment your day to day business activities.

How do we develop health and safety management systems?

The development of any health and safety management system will firstly take into account legislation that applies to your workplace and ensure that as a minimum you are complying with your legal duties.

We will then work with businesses and their staff teams to identify:

  • Current health and safety performance
  • Where the business needs to be
  • How they are going to get there

An action plan will be created with clear responsibilities and timescales for completion.  The necessary steps will then be put in place to support:

  • The effective implementation of the management system
  • Measuring of health and safety performance
  • Acting on findings and review practices where necessary

What should you expect from Acorn Health & Safety?

Depending upon our level of involvement in developing health and safety management systems, for example this might include:

  • Policies
  • Forms checklists and templates
  • Training records
  • Workplace inspections
  • Staff interviews
  • Terms of reference and agenda’s
  • Physical attendance at meetings

We will assign you a dedicated and competent health and safety professional who will work with you to develop a health and safety management system that is right for your business and compliments day to day activities. We will always be on hand to provide and further support, advice or guidance you might need.

Any documentation produced will either be uploaded to our cloud based storage system provided electronically, or as a hard copy in the required format.  Following any piece of consultancy work we are available by phone or on e-mail, so you can contact us easily, if you need our assistance or further advice.

help iconHave a question? We may have answered it already.

See our Training FAQ’s

First Aid iconWhat First Aid Course do you need?

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First Aid iconNeed specific industry advice?

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Whatever your health and safety needs are, our ‘Hassle Free’ retained consultancy service is here to help.

For one-off assessments or, a tailored approach, we offer a wide range of consultancy services speak to our consultants to discuss your needs.

Health and safety for Construction, Building Management and Trades businesses, made ‘Hassle Free’ with our retained consultancy service.

Prefer to talk about your training and consultancy needs?

Call our team we are happy to help 0117 958 2070, if it’s out of hours or you prefer e-mail -

Have a question?

We may have answered it already, see our
Training FAQ’s
Consultancy FAQ’s

Want to Chat?

Prefer to talk about your training and consultancy needs?

Call our team we are happy to help 0117 958 2070, if it’s out of hours or you prefer e-mail –

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