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Health and Safety Policy

Any organisation with more than five employees requires a written health and safety policy. A health and safety policy is typically divided into three separate sections, a health and safety policy statement, responsibilities and the arrangements an organisation has put in place.

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Carer, Nov 2019

Why do our customers choose us?

Acorn Health and Safety Consultants DocumentsAcorn Health & Safety is a leading provider of health and safety consultancy in the South West.  Our consultants come from a wide variety of professional backgrounds and have considerable, hands on practical experience which is reflected in our grounded, pragmatic approach.

Customers come from an equally diverse range of organisations and businesses but choose Acorn because we’ll keep you on the right side of the law, whilst recognising that health and safety needs to compliment your day to day business activities.

If required policy documentation can be supported by a bespoke suite of forms and templates including risk assessments, checklists and third party assessment tools.  Should these be required many customers consider subscribing to ‘Hassle Free’ our retained consultancy service.

How do we develop health and safety policies?

In addition to legal duties a written health and safety policy that’s reviewed annually is a requirement of many insurers. A policy is also often a requirement for any business tendering for work, organisations seeking preferred supplier status or those applying for a variety of SSIP scheme accreditations.

All of our polices are bespoke and designed to meet the often varied and individual needs of organisation, taking into account business activities and the wide variety of legislation that might apply.  A policy might be a simple, short and succinct document or form part of a comprehensive health and safety management system depending on your needs

A qualified health and safety consultant will contact you and gain an understanding of roles and responsibilities within your organisation and the types of work undertaken.  In most we’ll always try and meet face to face.

There are a number of common elements to all policies such as risk assessment, training, communication, monitoring and review.  Other content is very much determined by business activities, for example this might include working at height, use of display screen equipment, control of contractors or driving at work.

From this we’ll create a bespoke policy and forward it to as a draft for initial comment and review.

We will provide you with a final copy of your policy for you to sign, usually this will be a version controlled document provided as a PDF.

What should you expect from Acorn Health & Safety?

We will assign you a dedicated and competent health and safety professional who will gain an understanding of your needs and be on hand to provide help and advice or comment you need.

Any documentation produced will either be uploaded to our cloud based storage system provided electronically, or as a hard copy in the required format.  Following any piece of consultancy work we are available by phone or on e-mail, so you can contact us easily, if you need our assistance or further advice.

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Whatever your health and safety needs are, our ‘Hassle Free’ retained consultancy service is here to help.

For one-off assessments or, a tailored approach, we offer a wide range of consultancy services speak to our consultants to discuss your needs.

Health and safety for Construction, Building Management and Trades businesses, made ‘Hassle Free’ with our retained consultancy service.

Prefer to talk about your training and consultancy needs?

Call our team we are happy to help 0117 958 2070, if it’s out of hours or you prefer e-mail -

Have a question?

We may have answered it already, see our
Training FAQ’s
Consultancy FAQ’s

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Prefer to talk about your training and consultancy needs?

Call our team we are happy to help 0117 958 2070, if it’s out of hours or you prefer e-mail –

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