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Health and Safety Training Courses

Provided by qualified consultants, our range of health and safety training courses cover both general workplace safety, together with focused training on individual subjects.

“”I  just wanted to quickly say thank you for organising the Emergency First Aid course yesterday. It was a great course. The Acorn trainer was excellent.  Nice mix of informative, experienced, knowledgeable and fun.”


“The Emergency First Aid training went very well, great instructor.”


“The Emergency First Aid training was excellent; thanks for organising!”



Puppet Place
April 2023

Our portfolio of health and safety training includes:Acorn Health and Safety Training Booklet

Why do our customers choose us?

Acorn Health & Safety is a leading provider of health and safety training and consultancy in the South West.  Our trainers and consultants come from a wide variety of professional backgrounds and are not only appropriately qualified but also have considerable, hands on practical experience which is reflected in our grounded, pragmatic approach.

Customers come from an equally diverse range of organisations and businesses but choose Acorn because we’ll keep you on the right side of the law, whilst recognising that health and safety needs to compliment your day to day business activities.

How do we approach health and safety training?

We provide courses delivered in a relaxed and informative style, many of which are nationally accredited, designed to meet specific industry requirements or a tailor-made to individual and organisations specific and varied needs.

The emphasis on every course is to allow delegates to become confident in their skills through a range of theory and practical sessions as well as continuing assessment and feedback from the trainer.

What should you expect from Acorn Health & Safety?

We’ll provide delegates with a variety of printed course materials including workbooks and handouts and on completion of learning, delegates will receive an appropriate certification.Acorn Master logo

Post course our team of consultants and trainers are available to answer any questions you might have.  You’ll also receive an automatic reminder prior to course expiry.

Our ‘health and safety’ course portfolio is just one group of over 60 courses we offer. Acorn Health & Safety provides training and consultancy in first aidfire safetyfood safety, manual handlinghealthcare training and health and safety.

Our ‘in-house’ course programmes are the most cost effective option if you’ve a number of staff requiring training, and in many cases can be adapted to include reference to local policy, practice and documentation.  These courses can be delivered either at any suitable venue or you can hire our purpose-built training centre located in Warmley, Bristol, whichever is best suited to your needs.

We also run a rolling programme of ‘open courses’ which are particularly suited for individuals or organisations that only have a few delegates or those looking to release small groups of staff at a time.

Other courses that we specialise and provide consultancy in which could be of interest to you are:

Please contact us to discuss all of your training needs so we can advise the most suitable and cost effective solution.

Not every course can be 'off the shelf'.

Our tailored health and safety training is aimed at meeting the needs of customers who have specific subjects to be covered within their health and safety staff training.

Find out more

Call our team on 0117 958 2070 or if it’s out of hours or you prefer e-mail –

E-learning Courses

We recognise that e-learning is a cost-effective training method.

Our e-learning platform is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and therefore accessible when you or your staff team need it.

Choose a course and buy now

Open Course Diary

Aimed at businesses and individuals requiring specific training or those with only a few members of staff to train our open courses run regularly throughout the year and cover a variety of different subjects.

Book your next course now

Prefer to talk about your training and consultancy needs?

Call our team we are happy to help 0117 958 2070, if it’s out of hours or you prefer e-mail -

Health & Safety FAQ's

Do I have to have the Health & Safety poster?
No. you can provide other alternatives such as pocket card, leaflet or brochure, available from the HSE website

Does the Health & Safety poster need to be filled in?
No, however it can help provide useful information to your employees such as names of people with health and safety responsibilities.

Who is responsible for getting a fire risk assessment?
Typically, the owner, employer or occupier of a premises is responsible for the fire safety. All workplaces, commercial properties and other buildings the public have access to must have a fire safety risk assessment carried out.

Do I have to have portable appliance (PAT) testing every year?
PAT isn’t a legal requirement, but the law does require that all electrical equipment that they provide in their business is safe and properly maintained.

Do I need a written Health & Safety policy?
If you employ five or more members of staff your health and safety policy should be in writing.

How often should I revise my company’s risk assessments?
These should be looked at regularly and altered after any company changes, incidents or accidents. We offer Risk Assessment training to help you do this.

Do I need a Fire Risk Assessment?
All commercial premises and common areas of some residential premises require a fire risk assessment.

Do I need an accident book?
No, you must keep records in a confidential manner, however this could be electronically (a form or similar) depending on the requirements of your business.

Do all accidents need reporting to the Health & Safety Executive?
Not all accidents need reporting, however some specified injuries; deaths, seven-day injuries and those to members of the public, do. Report them here 

What does COSHH stand for?
COSHH stands for the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. It is legislation that covers chemical safety in workplaces. Our COSHH course is suitable for all members of staff who require a basic understanding of hazardous substances in the workplace.

Do I need to provide my own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?
It is the responsibility of the employer (or self-employed person) to provide the appropriate PPE required to carry out your job safely.



Forthcoming Health and Safety Training Courses

Want to Chat?

Prefer to talk about your training and consultancy needs?

Call our team we are happy to help 0117 958 2070, if it’s out of hours or you prefer e-mail –

Have a question?

We may have answered it already, see our
Training FAQ’s
Consultancy FAQ’s

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