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Health & Social careJuly is Good Care Month. It aims to uplift the profile of the social care sector and promote career opportunities for those considering a career in social care.

A social care worker’s job is to give practical and emotional support to a wide range of people; individuals, communities, families, to assist them in living a better quality of life. They may work at someone’s personal home or a nursing home and they can partner with other health or social care professionals.

Life expectancy has significantly increased in recent decades. It’s estimated that by 2036, one in four of the population will be over 65. This is a big reason why social care plays an important part in the healthcare system.

We offer a variety of Health and Safety Training for Staff Working in Health and Social Care. Acorn Health and Safety have large expertise and we are highly regarded in this sector with both Directors careers being formed in the NHS.

Social care can change lives. It enables people to live with dignity with as much independence as they can. They deserve our appreciation not just for a month but all year round.