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Mental health is an integral element of our overall health and it should be accepted and acknowledged so that we can learn how to prevent, manage and treat it pretty much in the same way we do with physical health.

As per our previous feature, HSE have now included it in their guidance for First Aid needs assessments.

One in four people in the UK will have a mental health problem at some point. While mental health problems are common, most are mild, tend to be short-term and are normally successfully treated, with medication, by a GP.

The Mental Health Foundation’s ‘Mental Health Awareness Week‘ will take place from 13 to 19 May, on the theme of “Movement: Moving more for our mental health”. Movement is important for our mental health. But so many of us struggle to move enough. We know there are many different reasons for this, so this Mental Health Awareness Week they want to help people to find moments for movement in their daily routines. Going for a walk in your neighbourhood, putting on your favourite music and dancing around the living room, chair exercises when you’re watching television – it all counts!

Prioritising your mental health is more important now than ever before.  The more you know and understand mental health, yourself and how to maintain resilience and balance, the stronger you will be during these uncertain times.

If you are a business leader and feel responsible for your team of employees; why not learn how you can support their mental health in the workplace – whether they are together in the office or working virtually?

Mental Health First Aid is a MHFA England accredited programme designed to raise awareness and effectively support your own and the mental health of others.

We provide a range of Mental Health first aid courses to cover both statutory workplace requirements and organisations that want to provide training for their staff. A number of our courses are also suitable for those with a general interest in Mental Health.

Our portfolio of first aid Mental Heath training includes:

Everyone who completes the courses gets a certificate of attendance and then for non E-Learning courses (in person) you also recieve:

  • A manual to refer to whenever you need it
  • A workbook including a helpful toolkit to support your own mental health

Contact us for further information or to book onto one of these fantastic courses.